Useful Flutter Commands

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Useful Flutter Commands

Here you will find a list of useful Flutter commands that will make your app development process easier and faster.

1. Setting Up

Before diving into development, it’s essential to ensure that Flutter is set up correctly on your machine:

flutter doctor

This command checks your environment and displays a report of the status of your Flutter installation. It will also notify you of any dependencies you still need to install.

2. Creating a New Project

To start a new Flutter project you need to run flutter create command. This command will create a new Flutter project in the specified directory.

flutter create my_app

This command sets up a new Flutter project called my_app. If you want to include your organization’s domain name in the project, you can do it like this:

flutter create --org com.yourdomain appname

3. Running the App

After creating a project, navigate to the project directory and use this command to run the Flutter app in the default device (emulator/simulator).

flutter run

4. Checking Installed Devices

To check the list of all connected devices, use the following command:

flutter devices

5. Building Apk For Android

To build an APK file for Android, use:

flutter build apk

6. Building IPA For iOS

To build an IPA file for iOS, use:

flutter build ios

7. Get All Packages

To get all the packages in your project, use:

flutter pub get

8. To Create Android App Bundle

To create an app bundle for Android to publish app, use:

flutter build appbundle


These are some of the basic commands to get you started with Flutter development. As you go advance, you will find more commands that Flutter provides to aid in the development process. Happy learning!